1:40 Tip Jars vs Patreon. You can use Paypal, Cash.me/podcastcoach (from square). What percentage will follow you? Some experts say 3% is good.
7:30 Survey of the week Do you listen to podcasts on a website?
8:33 Web hosting solutions? Dave uses Host Gator and WPEngine, Jim likes Maple Grove Partners
9:48 Best way to use an additional microphone with an ipad. Use a Camera Kit and plug an ATR2100 microphone and Bossjock
16:34 IPhone holder for mic stand
18:32 iPad holders? Here is one Here is one with a clamp
21:34 What do you use for a jingle player? Bossjock and iJingle
Lebron you're on live TV.....
25:10 What can you upload to Patreon? mp3 files, wav file m4a
26:44 Private/Protected Feeds. Wishlist member, Podbean, and MyLibsyn (everything goes through an App - use code sopfree), Digital Access Pass
36:38 Kiss My Rss - Thoughts?
42:44 New Libsyn Features Video Walkthrough
51:32 Survey Results
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